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For Sir Page 3
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They had left no topic off the table. He’d told her of the years he’d spent at different universities around the US and overseas, learning everything he could about, well, everything. He’d managed to accrue two undergrad degrees. He should have had six PhDs by now, with all the courses he’d taken, but he never really finished a degree program out after he’d started it. He learned enough to be dangerous, and then moved on when things got boring. Which happened all the time. Just when he thought he’d found something to fully hold his interest, he tired of it, and was forced to move on.
She’d rolled her eyes at that. Typical rich boy, she’d admonished, but there had been no real judgment in her words.
They had talked politics, and previous lovers. She’d told him about starting the foundation and just how much she’d had to learn about counseling, as well as the legal ins and outs of running a home for teens and the foster care system in Nevada. She shared what it was like to see one of her kids succeed like Dusty, and how hard it was to see the ones who they lost. She’d just about broken his heart with some of those stories.
As she’d talked, he’d gotten more and more interested in the work she’d dedicated so many years to. What would it be like to be so involved in something like that? She’d talked a bit about what it had been like through college, the relationships she’d had with some of her floormates at the dorm while she was still engaged to Jackson. He’d known deep down that she had never wanted to marry Jackson, even though she’d never told him outright. They would need to discuss that if they wanted to have anything more than a few nights together. Being with him needed to be her choice. It needed to be about them, not about their families, not about Jackson. And he had to know that she wouldn’t feel like she was settling.
It wasn’t like he would be worried that she would go seeking someone outside of their relationship, regardless of if it was a man or a woman. It was simply that he didn’t want her to feel like being with him was like taking the easy way out. That she was settling for a man because that’s what society, particularly the one they’d grown up in, expected of her. If she still wanted nothing to do with her family, or his for that matter, that would be fine with him.
He sighed. Maybe he shouldn’t be thinking about that kind of future with her after just one night. But damn it, he was. He’d wanted her for as long as he could remember, even back when they were barely teenagers, and it had been a puppy love crush. Now, it was so much more than that.
She stirred beside him and he pushed thoughts of their future aside. They would have to work on what they wanted together. Right now, he was determined to enjoy every minute they had. Even if it wasn’t forever.
“Morning.” Her voice was low, sleepy. As she smiled at him and her blue eyes watched him from just a few inches away, he felt warmth bloom inside him.
“Morning.” He inched closer until their noses touched. They lay like that for a few moments, noses touching, eyes connected. “What would you like to do today?” He probably shouldn’t talk much while they were like this. No doubt he had morning breath.
She didn’t seem to notice. “Dunno. Should probably get some work done, make sure things are running smoothly at the foundation.”
“Isn’t that what your staff is for?” She’d told him about the people she’d hired as the foundation grew, people as dedicated to her cause as she was, who no doubt were capable of running things. She was one of the most intelligent people he’d ever met. She wouldn’t hire idiots.
“Yes, but... it’s important for me to make sure things are running smoothly.”
He moved back from her and stretched a bit. “Makes sense. If you need to work, I understand.”
“That wasn’t me blowing you off, just so you know.”
He relaxed into the mattress. Okay, so yeah, he’d been kind of worried that’s what she was doing.
“It’s Saturday, so I guess technically I don’t need to work. But I should at least check in with everyone. And get last night’s donations situated.”
“Yeah, of course.” What he wanted was to spend the entire day in this bed making her come until she was exhausted and then sleep it off right alongside her. But he wasn’t going to admit that aloud.
“But, you know, there are other things I’d like to do today.” She raised her brows.
“Oh, really, like what?” His cock leapt at the suggestion. He was already sporting morning wood. Even though it had really only been a few hours since their hot encounter on the sofa.
“Maybe learn a bit more about these other, um, flavors...”
“Mmmhmm. So, you’d like for us to explore a bit of your potential kinky side, then?” He liked the sound of that.
“Yes.” Her response was immediate. Eager.
He loved the way she didn’t hedge. She was ready and willing to jump into this exploration with him, and he was honored. He would relish every minute. “So, what are your thoughts on being restrained?” He watched her carefully as he asked. He was confident she would tell him what she thought truthfully, but her physical reactions could also tell him a lot.
“I’m not opposed to the idea.”
“Okay, we could try a little of that. What about being at my disposal?”
Her shoulders stiffened. That meant she either really loved that idea. Or really hated it.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean tying you up and keeping you completely at my mercy. To do with as I please. To pleasure you as much, or as little, as I want. Until you can’t take anymore.”
She shivered. Loves that idea, then. Helping her discover this side of herself, and watching her bloom beneath his attentions, was going to be a delightful treat.
Chapter Three
Syneca stared at Jensen across her office. Completely at his disposal. His words from this morning were still bouncing around inside her head. She hadn’t given him a real answer, other than that she might consider trying it. He’d assured her they could take things as slowly as she wanted to. That he would be there to talk her through it, and they would discuss everything first. That he would be sure not to exceed any parameters, and she could tell him to stop whenever she wanted. That last bit gave her all the confidence she needed to know she wanted to proceed. The question was, how? And, what, exactly, did she want?
She’d intended to go home, get some of her own clothes, and head to the office for a couple of hours. And while she’d done all that, Jensen had been insistent on coming with her. She probably should have balked at that, but honestly, she wanted him here.
After years apart, spending the entire night together left her aching for more. She was glad he’d been by her side all day. It was an odd sensation. She was so used to feeling stifled by her lovers.
He’d taken her back to The K Club to grab a check from Dusty and pick up her car. She’d studiously avoided much eye contact with Dusty, and left Jensen outside, but it wasn’t like she could hide what had happened, after showing up in last night’s dress. He’d taken it well, though, with not more than a small smile and a roll of his eyes. Thank goodness.
Then Jensen had followed her to her small adobe home and had some coffee and dessert while she changed from last night’s dress. Now, here they were, in the late afternoon, in her cluttered office at the foundation’s downtown Spartan, NV location.
“What?” he said, that silly grin in place, his dimple on full display.
It was such a disarming smile. It melted her insides. And there was still an edge of aw shucks to it. So different from the dark glint in his eye when he’d been detailing all the ways he wanted to keep her at his mercy. She shivered again.
“Nothing. Just... thinking.”
“’Bout what?” He put down the photo he’d been holding of her in front of the first Madison House, with the first few charges under her care, one of whom was Dusty.
“Ice cream.” She felt the heat of blush stain her cheeks.
“Oh, really?” He strode across the office, that smile takin
g on a heated edge. “And what are you thinking?”
“Well, I’m about done with work. Things are in pretty good order and the accounts are balanced. The staff at the homes have things well in hand for the rest of the weekend, I think.”
“So that means you’re all mine now?” Those eyes held such a predatory gleam.
“Lovely.” He held his hand out to her, and she took it.
She had even let him convince her to pack an overnight bag when they stopped at her place, so she was prepared to spend the night again. It might be fast. But she couldn’t be bothered to care. She had spent so much of her adult life never quite fitting. With Jensen, it was different. Not only did he know her past and know about what it was like to grow up on a pedestal, with all the incredible pressure that entailed, but he also knew that she was bisexual. And unlike every man she’d ever dated, his first inclination hadn’t been, let’s have a three-way!
She was quiet on the way back to his place, her mind still kind of wandering. Thoughts of him tying her up and having his way with her did things to her. She was warm, aroused. Possibly a little embarrassed. Nervous. The mixture of all of the heightened emotions winging around inside her seemed to just make the prospect more exciting.
When they were inside, he took her bag and placed it beside his dresser then got them some water. “We’ll want this later.”
She blushed harder. He grinned at her again.
“So, what now?”
“Now, we get you naked. And I find a creative way to restrain you so that I can do naughty, naughty things to you all night. At some point, we’ll have some food. And snuggles. And stuff.”
She laughed. “And stuff. Ooh, I can’t wait for the and stuff.”
His gaze turned dark. “Careful, there, Syn, you might be on the way toward getting a spanking.”
Her heart thudded. What might that be like?
“I can see that idea might appeal as well.”
Shit. She was telegraphing everything to him. She should be embarrassed about that.
“First things first. Strip for me, darling.”
She shivered at the heat in his voice. She slowly undid each button of her blouse. His gaze roved over her, top-to-bottom and back up, as she stripped. She quaked. Being the center of all that heated attention? It made her insides quiver.
She slid the shirt to the floor and then reached for her pants. She kicked off her flats and let the soft fabric of her slacks slither down her legs. Every inch of her skin sprouted goose bumps. Still, he watched her. Not moving toward her, not speaking, just watching her.
She reached up to unhook her bra and let it fall to the side. When she reached for her panties, he held up a hand. “Please. Allow me.”
She walked to him on suddenly shaky legs. Anticipation coiled tightly within her, slick heat already pooling at the juncture of her thighs. She took a shuddering breath as his hands slipped into the top of her panties and he slowly edged them over her hips and ass. He caressed his way down her legs until her panties were at her ankles, and she stepped out of them.
“Good girl.”
Pride bloomed. Why was it that just those two words elicited such a feeling from her?
“On the bed now, darling.”
She climbed onto his bed, allowing herself to embrace the moment, to relish what was happening between them. She could get used to this, she decided. “Where would you like me?”
“On your back.”
She laid down. With every order she obeyed, her desire inflamed another degree.
“Would you like to hear about all the very naughty things I’m going to do to you?”
“Yes, please.”
He opened a drawer in the bedside table and pulled out two scarves, one a dark blue, the other red. “First, I’m going to take this and tie your legs up so that you’re spread open for me. And then I’m going to pleasure you with my mouth until you can’t stand it and are begging me to come. After you have come sufficiently, and I have had my fill of you, I think I will pull you down to the end of the bed and fuck you senseless.”
With each passing promise, she grew wetter. She started to squirm on the bed beneath his hot gaze as he detailed each step. She’d never been one to be excessively shy in the bedroom. But this was a level of bold she hadn’t experienced before.
“And if at any point you need to stop, you will tell me, and we will stop. I will leave the restraints loose, and I will leave your hands free. At least tonight.”
The promise in his voice that there would be other nights, nights when she would not be so lucky as to have her hands free, when she would be utterly at his mercy, made her ache.
She swallowed. “Yes, er... Sir.”
His eyes glowed. “You’re learning quickly.”
Warmth speared her. “Yes, Sir.” She had learned a few things at K Club.
“Shall we begin?”
“Yes, please.” She opened her legs and lay back patiently, waiting for him. He looped the red scarf loosely around her thigh, keeping the fabric spread wide so that it didn’t bunch up and pinch. He looped the free ends around her ankle and secured it in a quick slipknot. The angle may have been too much if not for all her years of yoga. As it was, she found it, not comfortable exactly, but there was something about the slight discomfort, of being on edge, that just sent her desire careening.
When he secured her other leg in the same way, she realized that like this, she was utterly bared to him. The auburn curls covering her sex were on full display. Her thighs tightened and she felt her legs begin to close.
“Uh-uh. No, you don’t. I want to see you.” He stilled her legs. She shivered. He stared into her eyes. Waiting for her to obey him.
She slid her legs wide again. The backs of her ankles rested on the upper edges of the backs of her thighs.
“Good girl. In fact, I think perhaps you can hold onto the scarves and keep yourself wide open for me.”
She whimpered.
God, he’d barely touched her and already she felt on the edge of orgasm. Her body ready to spiral out of control at the barest push. The need for more was like a living thing inside her. She had to continue down this path with him. Or she may burst into flames.
She reached for the scarves and held them.
“Very nice. That is an incredible sight.”
He reached for a pillow, and she arched her back. He slid her up the bed just a bit, settling the pillow just under her ass, thrusting her sex up higher, letting her thighs fall open even more. The sense of vulnerability was overwhelming, and she quivered, her breath coming in short pants. Was he going to make good on his promises?
“Beautiful.” His whisper held such awe.
Then he was lowering himself onto the bed, and his breath tickled her thighs. She shuddered. He wanted her to beg when she was ready to climax. She was ready to beg now.
He took his time, slowly laving her with his tongue until she was trying to buck against him, needing more friction. But the restraints kept her from getting much more than an inch of movement. She groaned, frustration roiling through her as he tongued her over and over.
He placed a hand on her abdomen and forced further stillness. He sucked and licked at her, even grazing her clit with his teeth until she cried out. She couldn’t take much more. She was spiraling out of control.
He lifted his head, and she cried out.
She glared at him.
“What’s that darling?” he asked, his smile predatory. “Are you all done?”
Damn him. She bit her lip and shook her head.
“No? What do you want?”
“More. Please.”
“Please what?”
“Please, Sir.”
“Good girl.” That dimple made a quick appearance. Then he lowered his head again and went to work at putting her out of her misery.
Chapter Four
Syneca was faring nicely under his tutelage. She was slowly coming
into her own as a submissive. Learning what she did and didn’t like. The last several weeks together had been exciting, exhilarating. As much as she’d learned of herself, he had learned of himself. Being a Dom was about more than being in charge. As usual, for him, it was so much about seeing to his submissive’s needs and being the kind of dominant she needed.
But there was something about being with Syneca that was different. He felt himself not just changing to adapt to what his submissive needed, but for the first time, finding there were specific things that he wanted and needed. Even if it wasn’t at her prompting. It had never been like that for him before. Maybe, he’d just never cared enough to fight for what he wanted too.
She would be heading to his place after she was done at the office today. He looked at the check in his hands. He was going to give it to her tonight. He’d offered a donation at the auction, of course, but he had no idea just how much the foundation would come to mean to him in such a short time. Nor had he realized just how dire the financials were. Syneca had maybe six months of funds in the operating account. She’d been using the funds raised to help get her by until another grant came in, but without some more capital, and soon, she would have to start making cuts. He wasn’t going to let that happen.
His phone rang and he smiled. Looked like she was as eager to continue their conversation from last night as he was. He leaned back in the comfortable chair in his study and fished his phone out of his pocket, setting the check on the table beside him with his other hand. But it wasn’t Syneca calling. It was his brother.
Great. Jack only called when there was trouble at home. The last thing Jensen wanted was to deal with the family drama. He really considered ignoring the call. He knew he would regret taking it. But if something was seriously wrong, he would regret letting it go to voicemail even more. With a sigh, he swiped the screen and answered.
“Well, well, well, little brother,” Jack said by way of greeting. “Seems you finally did something right for this family.”
Jensen suppressed a groan. “I have no idea what the fuck you’re talking about. But if nothing’s wrong, I have things I need to be doing.” Like his wonderful new submissive.